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2024-04-26 10:48:14 来源:文书文学 点击:0
1、请带上泳镜来见我,以免突然坠入爱河。 Please come to see me with your goggles in case you fall in love. 2、每天最开心的事情就是看到你,然后跟你说话聊天。 The happiest thing every day is to see you and talk to you. 3、一分一秒把你思念,一天一天我在加油! One second, I miss you one day! 4、我也正要跟你说这一句话,天上地下,人间海底,我俩都要在一起。 I'm just about to say this to you, the sky, the earth, the sea, we both want to be together. 5、生命是一场幻觉,而你,是我的光。 Life is an illusion, and you are my light. 6、你喜欢田野,而我愚笨,只能荒地植草十年,换一时春生。 You like the fields, but I'm stupid. I can only plant grass in the wasteland for ten years for spring birth. 7、如果你早认清你在別人心中沒那么重要,你会快乐很多。 If you realize that you are not so important in other people's mind, you will be happy a lot. 8、一个名为爱情的东西,把我呈现在你面前。 A thing called love presents me in front of you. 9、那些逝去的岁月,叫做曾经;那些和你有关的岁月,叫做未来。 Those gone years are called the past; those related to you are called the future. 10、跟你在一起的时光全都很耀眼,因为每一天都很美好。 The time with you is dazzling, because every day is wonderful. 11、我不知为什么喜欢你,但如果重来一次,我还是会选择你。 I don't know why I like you, but if I do it again, I will still choose you. 12、世界再大,我眼里只有你。 No matter how big the world is, I only have you in my eyes. 13、每天早上醒来,看见你和阳光都在,那就是我想要的未来。 Every morning I wake up to see you and the sunshine, that's the future I want. 14、我要露出点小马脚,好让你看出来我喜欢你。 I'm going to show you a little bit of pony feet so you can see that I like you. 15、你若是河流,我便是河床,永远保护着你,陪伴着你。 If you are a river, I will be the river bed. I will always protect you and accompany you. 16、希望你一直对我好,对我笑,容我在身边不停的胡闹。 I hope you have been good to me, smile at me, let me in the side of the incessant nonsense. 17、我若在你心上,情敌三千又何妨。你若在我身旁,负了天下又怎样。 If I'm in your heart, what's wrong with me. If you are by my side, what if you lose the world. 18、我喜欢你,笨拙而热烈,一无所有又倾尽所有。 I like you, clumsy and warm, with nothing and everything. 19、余生别指教了,有本事咱俩养老院见。 Don't give advice for the rest of your life. I'll see you in the nursing home if you have the ability. 20、我们要一起过,每一年,每一天。 We're going to spend it together, every year, every day. 21、你嘴角微微上扬,胜过世间所有的风景。 The corners of your mouth rise slightly, more than all the scenery in the world. 22、希望能懂你,也懂这世间悲欢,陪你走千帆,仍能方寸不乱。 Hope to understand you, also understand the joys and sorrows of this world, accompany you to walk a thousand sails, still can not be disordered. 23、或许今天你过得很糟糕,但是明天总会是崭新的。 You may have a bad day today, but tomorrow will always be new. 24、比起天黑和鬼,我更担心你伤心皱眉。 I'm more worried about your frown than darkness and ghosts. 25、抱抱我的他,从此忘了吧。 He hugged me, forget it from now on. 26、让我们笨笨的爱着,傻傻的在一起,呆呆的过日子。 Let us stupid love, silly together, dull life. 27、世界上最好的感觉就是,知道有人在想你。 The best feeling in the world is knowing that someone is thinking of you. 28、这年头一点都不缺爱情,缺的是把爱情当回事的人。 There is no lack of love these days. What is lacking is people who take love seriously. 29、扶门切思君之嘱,登高望断天涯路。 Help the door to cut the king's advice, climb to see the end of the world road. 30、给我一秒钟,我会想起你。 Give me a second and I'll think of you. 31、我们去结婚吧,除了你,别的人,我都不要。 Let's get married. I don't want anyone but you. 32、对你的爱从未就此止步,对你的爱一直都在时光里花开。 Love for you never stops here. Love for you always blooms in time. 33、心已经被撕碎,散在空气里飞,像花朵已枯萎,无法再次收回。 Heart has been torn, scattered in the air, like flowers have withered, can not be retrieved again. 34、你以为我有多么坚强,可不知我已遍体鳞伤。 You think I have how strong, but do not know I have been black and blue. 35、睡吧,今夜星光月光都归你,我也归你。 Sleep, the stars and moonlight will be yours tonight, and so will I. 36、以后得日子,我们一起过好吗? In the future, shall we live together? 37、爱你,就把我的心给你,每一块都是你的土地。 Love you, give you my heart, every piece is your land. 38、可爱不是长久之计,可爱我是。 Cute is not a long-term solution, cute I am. 39、这漫山遍地的野花,像我对你的喜欢,肆意又安静,野蛮又平淡。 The wild flowers all over the mountain, like my love for you, wanton and quiet, savage and plain. 40、我不忍心与你分开,你是我的重要组成部分。 You and I are not the important part. 41、我一生中有过两次意外,一次是车祸,一次是你。但你更致命。 I have had two accidents in my life, one was an accident and the other was you. But you are more deadly. 42、有些人是山川是河流,唯独不是可以停靠的港口。 Some people are mountains and rivers, but not ports that can be called. 43、我爱你,我把一辈子送你,陪你每个春夏秋冬。 I love you, I give you a lifetime, accompany you every spring, summer, autumn and winter. 44、我最大的梦想就是以我之姓,冠你之名。 My biggest dream is to be named after you with my name. 45、每次都是我不争气的先说对不起。 Every time I'm not competitive, I say I'm sorry. 46、直到心脏停止跳动,我只爱你一个。 Until the heart stops beating, I only love you. 47、你有多特别呢,万千人中走过,即便近视也能一眼望到你。 How special are you? Thousands of people walk through, even if you are short-sighted, you can be seen. 48、我心似海洋,而你是风,是浪,是潮汐,是海上明日升。 My heart is like the ocean, and you are the wind, the wave, the tide, the rising of the sea tomorrow. 49、如果你是一棵仙人掌,我也愿意忍受所有的疼痛来抱着你。 If you are a cactus, I would like to bear all the pain to hold you. 50、月亮不会奔向你,但我会,不远万里的那种。 The moon won't run to you, but I will, the kind from afar. 51、即使你满身是刺,我也要拥抱到死。 Even if you are covered with thorns, I will embrace to death. 52、我找到了快乐,甜蜜却离我而去,它们都和你在一起。 I found happiness, but sweetness left me, they are with you. 53、你是无法企及的光,无法戒掉的想象,无法放弃的喜欢。 You are the light you can't reach, the imagination you can't quit, the love you can't give up. 54、今生等不到,还要再等来生! I can't wait for this life, but I have to wait for the next life! 55、我爱你,希望今天你能把这句话还给我。 I love you. I hope you can return this sentence to me today. 56、秒回是这个世界上最温暖的技能,没有之一。 Second return is one of the warmest skills in the world, none of them. 57、你是朝露,是晚星,是我一切欢喜。 The evening dew is you, I am happy. 58、纵使万劫不复,纵使相思入骨,我待你真情如故。 Even if the disaster is irreparable, even if the Acacia bone, I treat you the true feeling as before. 59、我要变成风,温柔的将你包围。 I want to become the wind and surround you gently. 60、我对你的情是葡萄酒,味美甘甜。 My love for you is wine, delicious and sweet.




