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2024-06-25 15:22:09 来源:文书文学 点击:0
发朋友圈的英文句子,简约随性,句句充满正能量! 我见过在我沮丧时帮助我的朋友,也见过在我高兴时利用我的朋友,他们对一个人的生活的影响比你想象的要大得多。 I have seen friends who help me when I am depressed, and I have seen friends who use me when I am happy. Their influence on a person's life is much greater than you think. 你的朋友有他们自己的生活要过,有他们关心的人,你不想过多地打扰,你只想照顾好自己,这样即使你是一个人,你也不会过得很糟糕,你开始学会注意一切,冷和热。 Your friends have their own lives to live. They care about people. You don't want to disturb them too much. You just want to take care of yourself, so that even if you are alone, you won't have a bad life. You start to learn to pay attention to everything, cold and hot. 让别人来评判自己的家庭事务是特别愚蠢的。每个人都有自己的身份和立场,说的话也不一定完全正确。 It is particularly foolish to let others judge your own family affairs. Everyone has his own identity and position, and what he says may not be completely correct. 认识到你面前的这个男人不再想和你相处了。 Realize that the man in front of you no longer wants to get along with you. 走出你目前的圈子,认识更多的异性朋友。 Get out of your current circle and know more friends of the opposite sex. 世界上有那么多的叶子,但没有两片是完全一样的,世界上有那么多的恋人,但没有一对恋人是真正完全和谐的,对对方没有任何不满的。 There are so many leaves in the world, but no two leaves are exactly the same. There are so many lovers in the world, but no pair of lovers are really completely harmonious and have no dissatisfaction with each other.




