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2024-04-29 10:47:58 来源:文书文学 点击:2
1、您不是左撇子,右手握刀应该会很方便。 You are not left-handed. It should be very convenient for you to hold the knife with your right hand. 2、现在的怨恨那么深,只因为当初的相遇那么美。 Now the resentment is so deep, just because the meeting was so beautiful. 3、如果喜欢什么人,就要去找她,别在原地等哦。 If you like someone, you need to find her. Don't wait in place. 4、简直就是恶魔的诅咒,这趟车正开往低于! It's the curse of the devil. This bus is going to the lower reaches! 5、我要你的生命!肉体!灵魂!一概包括。 I want your life! Body! Soul! All of them. 6、莫不是有什么不开心的事?师兄听你倾诉呀! Is there anything unhappy? Elder martial brother, listen to you! 7、你陪伴了我多少年?我还能偿还你多少年? How many years have you been with me? How many years can I repay you? 8、如果这个世界不喜欢你,那它就是我的敌人了。 If the world doesn't like you, it's my enemy. 9、这世界真复杂,复杂到他这种衰孩子看不透。 The world is so complicated that he can't see it through. 10、爱欲之人犹如执炬逆风而行,必有灼手之患。 A man of lust is like a torch against the wind. 11、春夏秋冬泯和灭,幕还未谢,好不容易又一年。 Spring, summer, autumn and winter are gone. The curtain has not yet faded. It's another year. 12、看到您我就明白了,您的新娘该有多棒啊! I understand when I see you. How wonderful your bride should be! 13、你们看前面,那是……什么血淋淋的东西? Look ahead. What kind of bloody thing is that? 14、不管怎么样我都相信您,您是个善良的人啊。 Anyway, I believe you. You are a kind person. 15、没有人逃得过悲伤,悲伤才是最大的魔鬼。 No one can escape from sadness. Sadness is the biggest devil. 16、没有人能逃过悲伤,悲伤才是真正的魔鬼。 No one can escape from sadness. Sadness is the real devil. 17、肯定有什么秘密,元素乱流已经没法收拾了。 There must be a secret. The turbulence of elements can't be cleaned up. 18、或许是不知梦的缘故,流离之人追逐幻影。 Maybe it's because I don't know the dream that the exile pursues the illusion. 19、如果世界不喜欢你,那世界就是我的敌人了。 If the world doesn't like you, then the world is my enemy. 20、真小姐还记得我么?我是那天晚上的那个。 Miss Zhen, do you remember me? I was the one that night. 21、你是我肚里的蛔虫么,我想什么你都知道。 Are you the roundworm in my stomach? You know everything I think. 22、逆命者,将被灼热的矛贯穿在地狱的最深处。 Disobedient, will be burning spear through the deepest hell. 23、忠诚与思念,优雅与单身,遇见,还有再生。 Loyalty and missing, elegance and singleness, meeting and rebirth. 24、我也喜欢一个人,对我很好的,很照顾我。 I also like a person who is good to me and takes good care of me. 25、我不会死的,因为你还没有……放弃我啊! I won't die because you haven't given up on me yet! 26、海潮中有人望着他的背影,她的目光也如潮水。 Someone was looking at his back in the tide, and her eyes were like the tide. 27、他知道你一定会来,在那里,在那一刻。 He knew you would come, there, at that moment. 28、要是让您再选一次,您会选楚天骄还是鹿先生? If you were to choose again, would you choose Chu Tianjiao or Mr. Lu? 29、王将和龙王都不在,只留下你看守这里么? Wang Jiang and the Dragon King are not here. Do you only stay here to guard? 30、你扮小丑太久了,入戏了,都忘记了自己。 You've been a clown for so long that you've forgotten yourself. 31、什么人伤了你的心,孤独的你独自哭泣。 Who broke your heart, lonely you cry alone. 32、老大,你说我还有机会穿越回原来的世界么? Boss, do you think I have a chance to cross back to the original world? 33、要跟恶魔作战,就得先把自己变成恶魔。 To fight a demon, you have to turn yourself into a demon. 34、老大,你又有信用卡用了?这里很贵吧? Boss, do you have a credit card again? It's expensive here, isn't it? 35、谁也逃不过孤独,孤独才是最大的魔鬼。 No one can escape loneliness, loneliness is the biggest devil. 36、魔鬼是杀不掉的,魔鬼在我们每个人心里。 The devil can't be killed. The devil is in everyone's heart. 37、让我们穿越最深的地狱,然后直抵天堂。 Let's go through the deepest hell and go straight to heaven. 38、没有人是不可替代的,也没什么好难过的。 No one is irreplaceable, and there is nothing to be sad about. 39、带上你的千军万马,虽然终究不免孤身奋战! Take your army, though you can't help fighting alone after all! 40、如果你还有命能拼,就别等到后悔了再拼。 If you still have life to fight, don't wait to regret it. 41、源家次子,半生戏子;沦落棋子,终成弃子。 The second son of yuan family, a half life actor; He who is reduced to a pawn becomes an abandoned one. 42、那么通话到此结束,小奴婢在家里洗白白等我。 So the call is over. The maid is waiting for me at home. 43、这世界上的一切罪与罚,我们都会一起承受。 We will bear all the crimes and punishments in this world together. 44、悲伤才是真正的魔鬼,越强大的,藏得越深。 Sadness is the real devil. The stronger it is, the deeper it is hidden. 45、明非,想过自己活在这个世界上的理由吗? Mingfei, have you ever thought about the reason why you live in this world? 46、我没法帮你们了,我随时可能失去意识。 I can't help you. I may lose consciousness at any time. 47、我以我心为棺,以我身为椁,埋葬一个女孩。 I take my heart as the coffin and my body as the coffin to bury a girl. 48、她们那么爱我,我当然可以为她们赴汤蹈火。 They love me so much that I can go through fire and water for them. 49、我们都是小怪兽,都要被正义的奥特曼打败。 We're all little monsters. We're all going to be defeated by just Altman. 50、所以信任真是世界上最靠不住的东西,是不是? So trust is the most unreliable thing in the world, isn't it? 51、老大你要是下不了狠心,坏事就由我来做吧! Boss, if you can't be cruel, I'll do the bad things! 52、看她愿不愿意为你花时间?叔叔这是怎么说? Is she willing to spend time for you? Uncle, what do you say? 53、爱你的人,只有魔鬼!只有我这个魔鬼啊! Love you, only the devil! I'm the devil! 54、生如夏花,开到荼蘼。逝若秋叶,幻化成泥。 Life is like summer flowers, blooming to tea. Gone like autumn leaves, turned into mud. 55、你没有作出选择,你只是看着一切发生。 You didn't make a choice, you just watched it happen. 56、有些时间点错过一次,就好比错过了一生。 If you miss one time, it's like missing a lifetime. 57、长腿,长腿,你现在已经变身成女王殿下了么? Long legs, long legs, have you become your royal highness now? 58、我们只是做小事的人,他们管管大事就好了。 We are just people who do small things. They just manage big things. 59、这是王与王的战斗,唯有死亡可以终止。 It's a fight between kings. Only death can stop it. 60、这是关系到家族未来的大事,别总想着玩。 It's about the future of the family. Don't always think about playing. 61、我那是被坏人蛊惑,现在已经改邪归正。 I was bewitched by bad people then, and now I have changed my ways. 62、黑暗的世界有了光,像你一样在我前方。 The dark world has light, like you in front of me. 63、人生最大的幸福之一,就是队友不是猪。 One of the greatest happiness in life is that a teammate is not a pig. 64、我会放弃她,因为…她已经…很幸福了。 I'll give her up because... She's already... Very happy. 65、现在伤的那么深,只因当初相遇那么美。 Now hurt so deep, just because we met so beautiful. 66、没有人逃得过悲伤,悲伤才是真正的魔鬼。 No one can escape from sadness. Sadness is the real devil. 67、你给我讲了一个故事,现在要不要听听我的? You told me a story. Do you want to listen to me now? 68、是时候把宿命斩断了,这件事总要有人来做。 It's time to cut off your destiny. Someone has to do it. 69、成交,你给我吃的,我当你手下的漂亮女孩。 Deal. You give me food. I'll be your beautiful girl. 70、这世界,很大、很温柔,但世界不喜欢我。 The world is big and gentle, but the world doesn't like me. 71、对于追求完美的人来说,完美才是及格。 For those who pursue perfection, perfection is a pass. 72、世界那么残酷,你一个人的善良又有什么用呢? The world is so cruel, what's the use of your kindness? 73、我想过跟你许愿,让你帮我把诺诺抢过来。 I want to make a wish with you, let you help me grab nono. 74、那就好那就好,好在不是什么重要的东西。 That's good. That's good. Fortunately, it's not something important. 75、绘梨衣,别玩了,快点穿好衣服要出发了。 Don't play. Get dressed and start. 76、人脑是一块靠不住的硬盘,总会慢慢的消磁。 The human brain is an unreliable hard disk, always slowly degaussing. 77、浑蛋之间没有谁对不起谁,我们是合谋啊。 There's no one among the bastards who's sorry. We're in collusion. 78、以前的世界不是这样的,没有这么温柔过。 Before the world is not like this, not so gentle. 79、死亡的可怕不在于痛苦,而在于永恒的孤独。 The horror of death lies not in pain, but in eternal loneliness. 80、你们都说外面的压力大,压力到底有多大? You all say there is a lot of pressure outside. How much pressure is there? 81、你刚才吓得脸色都变了,还有心思去秋叶原? You just scared face all changed, still have the mind to go to Akihabara? 82、孤独的时候只要不去想它,就可以不孤独。 When lonely, as long as you don't think about it, you can not be lonely. 83、阳光里,不会再有天使低下头来,亲吻你的脸。 In the sunshine, no more angel will bow his head and kiss your face. 84、如果这个世界不喜欢你,那他就是我的敌人了。 If the world doesn't like you, he's my enemy. 85、知道了知道,啰啰唆唆,跟老妈子一样。 I know, I know, luoluotuo, just like the old lady. 86、让我们穿越最深的地狱,而后直抵天堂。 Let's go through the deepest hell and then go straight to heaven. 87、如果有天我死了,就只有稚生才能守护你了吧? If one day I die, only a child can protect you, right? 88、悲伤才是真正的魔鬼,没人能逃得过悲伤。 Sadness is the real devil. No one can escape it. 89、我喜欢她,和她喜欢我是不想关联的两件事。 I like her and she likes me are two things that I don't want to relate to. 90、没有人知道的成功,实在是,太寂寞了! No one knows the success, it is, too lonely!




